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Advanced Battery and Charger Solutions
As the strategic partner and approved assembler by both Panasonic and Sanyo, Totex has excellent and intensive knowledge on battery cell and well verse to select the optimum cell from the hundreds in the existing market to form a battery pack. This database knowledge on cell performance came from cumulated years of extensive testing which excel those of cell datasheet.
The art of battery pack design starts with the correct choice of battery cell selection
Charge & discharge characteristics
Voltage, current requirement
Runtime requirement
Temperature requirement
Environmental influence
Cycle life considerations
Evaluation of electronic components
A Lithium-ion battery pack comprises of the cell(s), a protection circuitry with optional features ie. fuel gauge, in-built charger, communication, impedance tracking, etc., connector and enclosure. Battery cell is crucial in the battery pack as it is the heart of the battery pack where it determines the operating, maximum current and how long the devices can last. Protection circuitry is the brain of the battery pack where it controls the charging, discharging current, communication between the battery pack and the device and charger and many other features like control or data collection which differentiated our pack from those of competitions being safer, more reliable yet reasonable priced. Enclosure and connectors form the body of the pack. Other features like water proof, shock, vibration, agency approvals ie. UL, IEC, CE, etc. bring out the characteristics of the pack.
We spent the last 30+ years designing, developing and manufacturing battery pack and charger for hundreds of applications across almost all industries making Totex a renowned figure in the battery field and for some, an ESI adviser to OEM. These test simulation knowledge reference to actual field conditions and know-how cumulated on cell performance and field-application behavior have laid down a strong design foundation for Totex and valuable to caution our clients of potential pitfall in areas of functionality and compliance issues.
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